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Machar Smith

Machar Smith – Committee member

Machar first came to Thailand in 2015, with the intention to stay for 1 year, yet took to the country, the culture, the cuisine so much so that he opted to stay!
A Mancunian by birth, Machar richly embraces his Scottish heritage, a core part of identity and purpose instilled from a very early age. Originally based in Bangkok for the first five years, in 2020 Machar and his wife Kirsty took to a change of scenery and currently reside in Hua Hin with their army of rescued dogs and cats.

As an HR professional, Machar is a ‘well kent face’ in local Bangkok circles and thrives in a people-oriented environment, something he will relish as a committee member serving the Bangkok St. Andrew’s Society.

Although relatively new to the Bangkok St. Andrew’s Society, Machar is no
stranger to committee representation having formerly served as Social
Convenor to Lunnainn Albannaich (London Scottish Football Supporters). In
addition, Machar is currently an HR Committee member for the British
Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT). Away from the workplace, he is a keen
touch-rugby player and makes the most of his spare time supporting local
animal rescue initiatives.


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